Friday, February 7, 2020


Well I looked into the pricing of cabins at Lake Wilson and I have decided to instead buy tents for the campers and have them sleep in those. It's summer anyways what's wrong with sleeping outside?

My insurance will be WestPoint Insurance, they specialize in running camps and will have everyone fully covered. It comes at a price although so I am raising my camp price to $75.

What I will feed them is mostly carbs. Pretty much pasta or anything else good for runners. I will give them some sweets but not too much. Probably about one small candy bar a day. A lot of granola bars, fruits, veggies, bread, drinks with electrolytes in them and a lot of water. Pasta will be dinner everyday but just in different versions. Chicken Alfredo, Spaghetti, Raviolis, Lasagna, Cheesy Pasta etc. I will also give them availabilities to grab a granola bar or a fruit whenever they feel they need one. 

Image result for chicken alfredo
I will also buy Pedialyte for the campers with cramps and probably me too. For lunches I could do simple PB and J's or anything simple that is good for the kids. 

I could talk to the kids at the middle school and high school about my camp to see if anyone was interested in it.

For cooking I could rent out one cabin only and use that one to cook and have a special chill place for the workers.

1 comment:

  1. Do you foresee having to pay your camp workers, or do you think you can get them to volunteer? What about you? Will you make any profit on this camp or just end up "breaking even" after you pay all of the fees, food, etc.?
